Web Blocks
Check the widgets that are commonly used in the OutSystems Platform screens. Probably you have already seen them, but never understood exactly how they work or how to use them from scratch in other screens.
When clicked, shows a dropdown menu with all the submenu items.
Shows a calendar when clicking the selected Input widget. Uses the open source calendar available at http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar/.
Shows a list of options in a dropdown that match what the user types on an input widget.
We have included an icon library which is free to use in your projects.
Use this widget with a TableRecords or ListRecords widget for pagination: shows Next (page) and Previous (page) links and page numbers.
Use this widget with a column of a TableRecords widget to sort by that column (ascending and descending).
Checkbox to drag into a column header of the Table Records widget to allow bulk selection (select all / select none) of the rows. This widget also disables the action buttons associated with the list when no row is selected.
Opens the specified link on a modal pop-up that can have editable screens.
Allows the selective display of content using a client tab interface.
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